[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[Paragraph 1]]
This is Einstein, a clever little scientist who already has a lot of inventions to his credit, usually to make family life easier.
He invented the autonomous vacuum cleaner and also created a machine that prepares breakfast and serves it in bed, perfect for Sunday mornings!
Nothing scares this little genius and he always has an answer for everything!
However, (text-colour: "red")[(text-style: "smear")[(text-colour: "white")[''one day, something (text-style:"rumble") [[terrible happened]](text-style:"rumble")[...]'']]]
<img src="https://edugraal.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Einstein-P1.png">
[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[Something terrible happened...]]
Einstein is passionate about chemistry. He loves mixing reagents together to create new products.
His dream? Finding a cure for cancer.
However, one day, an experiment goes wrong. Einstein put too many reagents in his Becher and the whole thing exploded! He was thrown against the wall, hitting his head hard.
(text-style: "blur") [The room was filled with smoke and set off the fire alarms!
Go to] [(text-style:"blink")[[Paragraph 20]]]=><=
[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[Paragraph 20]]
After extensive examinations, doctors discovered that Einstein has had retrograde amnesia for several years.
He has forgotten everything he knew about science and all his inventions.
His memory will come back on its own, but the doctors can't determine if it will come back in several months or years...
This is a problem for the continuation of his research.
Thales, his brother, remembers a helmet that Einstein invented for Alzheimer's patients. It is a neurological helmet that stimulates the nerve cells in the brain to reconnect the neurons to each other and thus recover memory.
<img src= "https://edugraal.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Capture-decran-2024-01-19-091606.png">
(text-style:"bold")[ If we could use it on him, he might recover his memory faster!]
Go To [[Paragraph 22]]
[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[Paragraph 22]]
However, one problem remains. Since the helmet is very valuable, Einstein hid it in a secret place.
Thales knows that he has planted clues all over his room to find this place. These clues have to do with chemistry, of course!
Thales asks for your help because he has very little knowledge of chemistry...
''Are you ready to help Thales find this helmet and help Einstein recover his memory?''
(live: 1s)[
(set: $randomRed to (random: 0, 255))
(set: $randomGreen to (random: 0, 255))
(set: $randomBlue to (random: 0, 255))
(text-colour: (rgb: $randomRed, $randomGreen, $randomBlue))[[Let's go! ->Paragraph 32]]
[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[Paragraph 32]]
Thales is aware that this helmet is stored in a safe. But where to start?
There are several rooms in the house that can hide clues, but according to Thales, the best place to start would be in his bedroom, since that's where he spends most of his time.
So you head to Einstein's room. (text-colour: "red")[(text-style: "outline")[[You start looking everywhere... ->Paragraph 10]]]
[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[You start looking everywhere...]]
You look for it in the cabinets, in the office, on the desk ... Nothing. Yes, there is a computer and a small safe but they are both locked.
However, 3 posters catch your attention: one of Marie Curie, one of Isaac Newton and one of Leonardo da Vinci.
It seems that these posters have beenremoved and reattached several times.
<img src="https://edugraal.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/triptique-P10.png">
Which poster should we turn over to find a possible clue?
- [[Marie Curie]]
- [[Isaac Newton]]
- [[Leonardo da Vinci]]Well done! It is indeed (text-color:"orange")[''Marie Curie''] for her link with chemistry.
<img src="https://edugraal.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Marie-Curie-3.jpg">
''Marie Skladowska-Curie'' is an exceptional scientist; she is the first woman to have received the Nobel Prize and, to date, the only woman to have received two.
She remains the only person to have been awarded in two distinct scientific fields. She was also the first woman to win, with her husband, the Davy Medal in 1903 for her work on radium.
Go to [(text-style:"blink") [[Paragraph 2]]]You turn the poster over but there is nothing behind it ...
(text-color:"orange")[''Isaac Newton''] is an English, then British mathematician, physicist, philosopher, alchemist, astronomer and theologian.
An emblematic figure of science, he is best known for founding classical mechanics, for his theory of universal gravitation and for creating, in competition with Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, infinitesimal calculus.
<img src="https://edugraal.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Isaac-Newton.jpg">
This isn’t the correct poster... {
(set: $hue to 0)
(live: 1s)[
(set: $hue to it + 10)
(text-colour: (hsl: $hue, 1, 0.5))[[Try again! ->Paragraph 10]]
}You turn the poster over but there is nothing behind it ...
(text-color:"orange")[''Leonardo da Vinci''] is an Italian polymath, artist, show and party organiser, scientist, engineer, inventor, anatomist, sculptor, painter, architect, town planner, botanist, musician, philosopher and writer.
He has many strings to his bow... but he is not a chemist!
<img src="https://edugraal.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Leonardo.jpg">
This isn’t the correct poster... {
(set: $hue to 0)
(live: 1s)[
(set: $hue to it + 10)
(text-colour: (hsl: $hue, 1, 0.5))[[Try again! ->Paragraph 10]]
[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[Paragraph 2]]
Behind the poster of Marie Curie, you find a strange drawing:
<img src="https://edugraal.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/SOLUTION-CHIMIQUE-P2.jpg">
(text-color:"grey")["It looks like atoms!"] exclaims Thales.
What molecule can we form with these different atoms?
- [Al<sub>[3]</sub>O<sub>[2]]<hookname|
(click:?hookname)[(go-to:"Paragraph 12")]
- [Al<sub>[2]</sub>O<sub>[3]]<hookname2|
(click:?hookname2)[(go-to:"Paragraph 43")]
- [O<sub>[3]</sub>Al<sub>[2]</sub>]<hookname3|
(click:?hookname3)[(go-to:"Paragraph 21")]
If we bind three aluminium atoms to two oxygen atoms, there will be 5 branches left that cannot cling.
Moreover, aluminium has a valence of 3 and oxygen has a valence of 2, so by practising the chiasmus rule, it gives Al(text-style:"subscript")[2]O(text-style:"subscript")[3].
Here is another exercise to better understand:
<img src="https://edugraal.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/P21-formule.jpg">
What molecule can we form with this?
- [H<sub>2</sub>0]<hookname|
(click:?hookname)[(go-to:"Paragraph 33")]
- [HO<sub>2</sub>]<hookname2|
(click:?hookname2)[(go-to:"Paragraph 24")]
- [H<sub>3</sub>O]<hookname3|
(click:?hookname3)[(go-to:"Paragraph 6")]=><=
Exactly! We can "hook" three oxygen atoms to two aluminum atoms.
In addition, according to the chemical function table, we are dealing with a metal oxide (M+O), so the result is MO with the aluminium atom having a valence of 3 and the oxygen atom having a valence of 2.
If we apply the chiasmus rule, this gives Al2O3.
Go to [[Paragraph 31]]=><=
If we link three aluminium atoms to two oxygen atoms, there will be 5 branches left that cannot cling.
Moreover, according to the chemical function table, we are dealing with a metal oxide (M+O), so the result is MO.
Finally, aluminium has a valence of 3 and oxygen has a valence of 2, so by practising the chiasmus rule, gives Al(text-style:"subscript")[2]O(text-style:"subscript")[3].
Here is another exercise to better understand:
<img src="https://edugraal.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/P21-formule.jpg">
What molecule can we form with this?
- [H<sub>2</sub>0]<hookname|
(click:?hookname)[(go-to:"Paragraph 33")]
- [HO<sub>2</sub>]<hookname2|
(click:?hookname2)[(go-to:"Paragraph 24")]
- [H<sub>3</sub>O]<hookname3|
(click:?hookname3)[(go-to:"Paragraph 6")]
[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[Paragraph 31]]
With this chemical formula, ''Al(text-style:"subscript")[2]O(text-style:"subscript")[3]'', you manage to unlock the computer on Einstein's desk.
You begin to search through the various folders. After searching through all the documents, you come to a folder called "chemistry".
However, this folder is also locked, which gives you a hint.
A pop-up window appears and asks you to associate sulfur with nitrogen.
What is the result of this equation?
- [S<sub>2</sub>N<sub>3</sub>]<hookname1|
(click: ?hookname1)[(go-to: "Paragraph 42")]
- [S<sub>4</sub>N<sub>3</sub>]<hookname2|
(click:?hookname2)[(go-to: "Paragraph 11")]
- [S<sub>3</sub>N<sub>2</sub>]<hookname3|
(click:?hookname3)[(go-to:"Paragraph 37" )]
Well done! You need two hydrogen atoms to attach to one oxygen atom.
Indeed, hydrogen has a valence of 1 and oxygen a valence of 2.
Using the chiasmus rule, this gives H(text-style:"subscript")[2]O.
Go to [[Paragraph 31]]
Almost! In this case, you did not look at the valence of the atoms.
Indeed,hydrogen has a valence of 1 and oxygen a valence of 2.
Using the chiasmus rule, this gives H(text-style:"subscript")[2]O.
Go to [[Paragraph 31]]=><=
Almost! In this case, you did not apply the chiasmus rule.
Indeed, hydrogen has a valence of 1 and oxygen, a valence of 2.
Using the chiasmus rule, this gives H(text-style:"subscript")[2]O.
Go to [[Paragraph 31]] =><=
Not quite! Look at the valence of sulfur and nitrogen.
Don't forget to look at your chemical function chart and use the chiasmus rule.
Go back to [[Paragraph 31]]=><=
Not quite! Look at the valence of sulfur and nitrogen.
Don't forget to look at your chemical function chart and use the chiasmus rule.
Go to [[Paragraph 31]]=><=
Well done! The valence of sulfur is 2 and the valence of nitrogen is 3.
As it is a binary salt and using the chiasmus rule, it gives '' S(text-style:"subscript")[3]N(text-style:"subscript")[2]''.
Go to [[Paragraph 35]]
[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[Paragraph 35]]
Once the file is unlocked, you start to search through all the documents but after a good ten minutes, you don't find anything interesting...
Suddenly, Thales notices that one of the documents is titled with an equation:
'' HCl + Ca(OH)(text-style:"subscript")[2] -> CaCl(text-style:"subscript")[2] + H(text-style:"subscript")[2]O''
He finds it appealing. Why do you think?
- [[It is wrong]]
- [[ It is not weighted]]
- [[These reagents don't exist]]
<img src="https://edugraal.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/einstein-P35.png">=><=
[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[It is wrong]]
Technically, this equation is indeed false. However, it is false for a particular reason (remember Lavoisier's principle).
Go back to [[Paragraph 35]] =><=
[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[It is not weighted]]
Exactly! This equation is not weighted according to the Lavoisier principle.
According to this principle, how can you weigh this equation?
Go to [[Paragraph 5]]=><=
[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[These reagents don't exist]]
These reagents exist! They are hydrogen chloride and calcium hydroxide.
These two products react together.
Go back to [[Paragraph 35]]=><=
[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[Paragraph 5]]
How can you solve and weigh this equation ?
- [2 HCl + Ca(OH)<sub>2</sub> -> CaCl<sub>2</sub> + 2 H<sub>2</sub>O]<hookname|
(click:?hookname)[(go-to:"Paragraph 26")]
- [HCl + 2Ca(OH)<sub>2</sub> ->2 CaCl<sub>2</sub> + 2 H<sub>2</sub>O]<hookname2|
(click:?hookname2)[(go-to:"Paragraph 55")]
- [3 HCl + 2 Ca(OH)<sub>2</sub> -> 2 CaCl<sub>2</sub> + 2 H<sub>2</sub>O]<hookname3|
(click:?hookname3)[(go-to:"Paragraph 46")]
[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[2 HCl + Ca(OH)<sub>2</sub> -> CaCl<sub>2</sub> + 2 H<sub>2</sub>O]]
Indeed! When we look at the number of atoms on the left and the number of atoms on the right, we see that it is the same number for each atom.
The principle of Lavoisier is thus respected.
Go to [[Paragraph 59]]=><=
[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[3 HCl + 2 Ca(OH)<sub>2</sub> -> 2 CaCl<sub>2</sub> + 2 H<sub>2</sub>O]]
This is not the right weighting.
Look at the number of atoms on the left and the number of atoms on the right.
5 H
3 Cl
2 Ca
2 O
4 H
4 Cl
2 Ca
2 O
It is not the same number for each atom.
The Lavoisier principle is not respected.
Go back to [[Paragraph 5]]=><=
[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[HCl + 2Ca(OH)<sub>2</sub> ->2 CaCl<sub>2</sub> + 2 H<sub>2</sub>O]]
This is not the right weighting.
Look at the number of atoms on the left and the number of atoms on the right.
''Left ''
3 H
1 Cl
2 Ca
2 O
4 H
4 Cl
2 Ca
2 O
It is not the same number for each atom.
The Lavoisier principle is not respected.
Go back to [[Paragraph 5]]
[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[Paragraph 59]]
Now that you have weighted this equation, it is finally balanced and respects the Lavoisier principle.
So you decide to change the name of the file with the correct weighting of the equation.
Suddenly, just after pressing the "enter" button, the printer starts up and pulls out a paper with writing on it.
(text-color:"grey")["More equations?!"] Thales is astonished. (text-color:"grey")["He must really love chemistry..."]
Here is the first equation to be weighted:
''Fe(text-style:"subscript")[2]O(text-style:"subscript")[3] + C -> CO + Fe''
- [2 Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> + 3 C -> 4 CO + 2 Fe]<hookname1|
(click:?hookname1)[(go-to:"Paragraph 14")]
- [Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> + 3 C -> 3 CO + 2 Fe]<hookname2|
(click:?hookname2)[(go-to:"Paragraph 61")]
- [Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> + 2 C -> 4 CO + 2 Fe]<hookname3|
(click:?hookname3)[(go-to:"Paragraph 52")]
[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[2 Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> + 3 C -> 4 CO + 2 Fe]]
This is not the right weighting.
Look at the number of atoms on the left and the number of atoms on the right.
4 Fe
6 O
3 C
2 Fe
4 O
4 C
It is not the same number for each atom.
The Lavoisier principle is not respected.
Go back to [[Paragraph 59]]=><=
[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> + 3 C -> 3 CO + 2 Fe]]
<img src="https://edugraal.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Einstein_Stars.png">
Indeed! When we look at the number of atoms on the left and the number of
atoms on the right, we see that it is the same number for each atom.
The principle of Lavoisier is thus respected.
Go to (text-style:"blink")[[Paragraph 27]]=><=
[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[Fe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> + 2 C -> 4 CO + 2 Fe]]
This is not the right weighting. Look at the number of atoms on the left and the number of atoms on the right.
2 Fe
3 O
2 C
2 Fe
4 O
4 C
It is not the same number for each atom. The Lavoisier principle is not respected.
Go back to [[Paragraph 59]]=><=
[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[Paragraph 27]]
After solving the first equation, a second one must be solved to go further.
Here it is: '' Ca(PO(text-style:"subscript")[4])(text-style:"subscript")[2]+ SiO(text-style:"subscript")[2] + C -> CaSiO(text-style:"subscript")[3] + P(text-style:"subscript")[4] + CO ''
- [2 Ca<sub>3</sub>(PO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>2</sub> + 6 SiO<sub>2</sub> + 10 C -> 6 CaSiO<sub>3</sub> + P<sub>4</sub> + 10 CO]<hooknamea|
(click:?hooknamea)[(go-to:"Paragraph 36")]
- [3 Ca(PO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>2</sub> + SiO<sub>2</sub> + 14 C -> 7 CaSio<sub>3</sub> + 2 P<sub>4</sub> + 11 CO]<hooknameb|
(click:?hooknameb)[(go-to:"Paragraph 63")]
- [Ca<sub>3</sub>(PO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>2</sub> + 7 SiO<sub>2</sub> + 5 C -> 5 CaSiO<sub>3</sub> + 6 P<sub>4 + 2 CO]<hooknamec|
(click:?hooknamec)[(go-to:"Paragraph 7")]
[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[2 Ca<sub>3</sub>(PO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>2</sub> + 6 SiO<sub>2</sub> + 10 C ->
6 CaSiO<sub>3</sub> + P<sub>4</sub> + 10 CO]]
Indeed! When we look at the number of atoms on the left and the number of atoms on the right, we see that it is the same number for each atom.
The principle of Lavoisier is thus respected.
Go to [[Paragraph 3]]=><=
[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[3 Ca(PO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>2</sub> + SiO<sub>2</sub> + 14 C ->
7 CaSio<sub>3</sub> + 2 P<sub>4</sub> + 11 CO]]
This is not the right weighting.
Look at the number of atoms on the left and the number of atoms on the right.
3 Ca
6 P
1 Si
26 O
14 C
7 Ca
8 P
7 Si
32 O
11 C
It is not the same number for each atom.
The Lavoisier principle is not respected.
Go back to [[Paragraph 27]]=><=
[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[Ca<sub>3</sub>(PO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>2</sub> + 7 SiO<sub>2</sub> + 5 C ->
5 CaSiO<sub>3</sub> + 6 P<sub>4 + 2 CO]]
This is not the right weighting.
Look at the number of atoms on the left and the number of atoms on the right.
''Left: ''
3 Ca
2 P
7 Si
22 O
5 C
5 Ca
24 P
5 Si
17 O
2 C
It is not the same number for each atom.
The Lavoisier principle is not respected.
Go back to [[Paragraph 27]]
[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[Paragraph 3]]
Thales remembers the safe under his brother's desk.
He has seen Einstein type in a code before. He can no longer visualise the number he entered but remembers that it is a two-digit code between two hashtags...
(text-color:"grey")["But of course!"] says Thales. (text-color:"grey")[ "Just add up the weighting numbers!"]
You add up the different weighting numbers, it gives you 41. You enter the code [(text-colour: "green")+(text-style:"smear")[[#41# ->Paragraph 15]]] on the safe.
In the safe, you find sodium, an oxygen tank and a digital tablet.
You quickly realise that you have to solve the equation for the reaction between the sodium and the oxygen bottle and write the complete result on the tablet.
It would be too much trouble if you had [[to do it -> Paragraph 8]] under real conditions.=><=
[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[Paragraph 8]]
First of all, you need to be able to determine the different chemical symbols.
What is the chemical symbol for '' sodium''?
- [[S]]
- [[Na]]
- [[Si]]=><=
No, it is the chemical symbol for sulfur.
Don't forget to look at your periodic table of elements.
Go back to [[ Paragraph 8]]=><=
Exactly! The chemical symbol for sodium is ''Na''.
The S stands for Sulfur and the Si stands for Silicon.
Go to [[Paragraph 44]]=><=
No, it is the chemical symbol for silicon.
Don't forget to look at your periodic table of elements.
Go back to [[ Paragraph 8]]=><=
[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[Paragraph 44]]
Secondly, it must be possible to determine the chemical formula of oxygen molecule.
- [O<sub>2</sub>]<hookname1|
(click:?hookname1)[(go-to:"Paragraph 28")]
- [O<sub>3</sub>]<hookname2|
(click:?hookname2)[(go-to:"Paragraph 47")]
- [[O ->Paragraph 40]]
Exactly! The chemical formula of oxygen is O<sub>2</sub>.
It thus includes 2 atoms of oxygen.
Go to [[Paragraph 65]]=><=
No, it is the right symbol but not the right "quantity".
Go back to [[Paragraph 44]]=><=
No, it is the right symbol but not the right "quantity".
Go back to [[Paragraph 44]]=><=
[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[Paragraph 65]]
We now have the chemical formulas of the different reactants.
What is the result of this equation?
(text-style:"smear")['' Na + O(text-style:"subscript")[2] -> '']
- [2 Na<sub>2</sub>O]<hookname1|
(click:?hookname1)[(go-to:"Paragraph 58")]
- [2 NaO<sub>2</sub>]<hookname2|
(click:?hookname2) [(go-to:"Paragraph 56")]
- [Na<sub>2</sub>O]<hookname3|
(click:?hookname3)[(go-to:"Paragraph 16")]
[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[2 Na<sub>2</sub>O]]
Exactly! According to the chemical function table, it is a metal oxide, so MO.
With the chiasmus rule, we reverse the valences so Na(text-style:"subscript")[2]O.
Then we weigh the equation. This gives ''2 Na(text-style:"subscript")[2]O''.
Go to [[Paragraph 50]]=><=
[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[2 NaO<sub>2</sub>]]
Not quite! It is indeed a metal oxide according to the chemical function table but beware of the chiasmus rule!
Go back to [[Paragraph 65]]
Not quite! According to the chemical function table, it is a metal oxide, so MO.
With the chiasmus rule, we invert the valences, so Na<sub>2</sub>O.
But be careful with the weight!
Go back to [[Paragraph 65]]=><=
[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[Paragraph 50]]
You enter the result of the equation (text-color:"green")[(2 Na(text-style:"subscript")[2]O)] on the digital tablet.
Suddenly, a picture appears! In this picture, you can see a small rock.
Thales immediately recognises this rock: (text-color:"grey")[ "It's the rock next to his hut! This hut was once the laboratory of the little Einstein." ]
You go into the garden and at the end of it, you find the hut with the small rock next to it.
As you approach it, you notice yet another equation to solve:
'' NaOH + H(text-style:"subscript")[2]SO(text-style:"subscript")[4] ->''
- [Na<sub>2</sub>H<sub>3</sub>SO<sub>5</sub>]<hookname1|
(click:?hookname1)[(go-to:"Paragraph 53")]
- [Na<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub> + H<sub>2</sub>O]<hookname2|
(click:?hookname2)[(go-to:"Paragraph 60")]
- [Na<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub> + 2 H<sub>2</sub>O]<hookname3|
(click:?hookname3)[(go-to:"Paragraph 29")]
Not quite! Look closely at your chemical function chart.
The right answer is ''hydroxide''.
Go back to [[Paragraph 50]]=><=
[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[Na<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub> + H<sub>2</sub>O]]
Not quite! It is indeed salt and water but be careful with the weighting!
Go back to [[Paragraph 50]]
[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[Na<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub> + 2 H<sub>2</sub>O]]
Absolutely! It is indeed salt and water, and it is (text-style:"smear")+(text-color:"green")[[[correctly ->Paragraph 62]]] weighted.
<img src="https://edugraal.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Einstein_P29.png">
[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[Paragraph 62]]
With this result, you head to the cabin and notice that the door is locked with a code.
You decide to enter the result of the equation you just solved.
The door opens to a large, almost empty room.
You decide to look around the room. In a corner, you find 3 pictures hanging
on the wall with a button on each of them.
<img src="https://edugraal.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/triptique-P.62.png">
On which board should the button be pushed?
- [[Dmitri Mendeleev]]
- [[Nikola Tesla]]
- [[Maria Montessori]]<=
Great job! (text-color:"orange")[''Dmitri Mendeleev''] was a chemist, creator of the Periodic table!
<img src="https://edugraal.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Mendeleev.png">
The board opens and a safe comes forward.
(text-color:"grey")["Obviously, the door is still locked,"] grumbles Thales.
You notice an inscription on this box: (text-color:"purple")[ "Manganese dioxide with hydrogen chloride gives Manganese chloride, water and chlorine."]
(text-color:"grey")["The code corresponds to the equation in the chemical symbol, it is still necessary to solve this equation!"] Thalès moaning.
How to write the reagents?
- [MnO<sub>2</sub> + HCl]<hookname1|
(click:?hookname1)[(go-to:"Paragraph 4")]
- [O<sub>2</sub>Mn +ClH]<hookname2|
(click:?hookname2)[(go-to:"Paragraph 38")]
- [Mn<sub>2</sub>O + HCl<sub>2</sub>]<hookname3|
(click:?hookname3)[(go-to:"Paragraph 54")]
The board opens from the bottom to the top, but, unfortunately, there is nothing inside.
<img src="https://edugraal.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Nikola-Tesla.png">
Indeed, (text-color:"orange")[''Nikola Tesla''] is known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system.
He is thus a scientist, but he has no relation with chemistry.
This isn’t the correct button… [[Try again! ->Paragraph 62]]
The board opens from the bottom to the top but, unfortunately, there is nothing inside.
<img src="https://edugraal.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Maria-Montessori.png">
Indeed, (color:"orange")[''Maria Montessori''] was an Italian physician and educator best known for the philosophy of education that bears her name, and her writing on scientific pedagogy.
She is thus a scientist but she has no relation with chemistry.
This isn’t the correct button… [[Try again! ->Paragraph 62]]
[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[MnO<sub>2</sub> + HCl]]
Exactly! This gives Manganese dioxide and hydrochloric acid.
Go to [[Paragraph 30]]
[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[O<sub>2</sub>Mn +ClH]]
Not quite! Pay attention to the chemical functions!
Go back to [[Paragraph 64 ->Dmitri Mendeleev]]=><=
[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[Mn<sub>2</sub>O + HCl<sub>2</sub>]]
Not quite! Pay attention to the chiasm rule!
Go back to [[Paragraph 64 ->Dmitri Mendeleev]]
[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[Paragraph 30]]
Now that we have the reactants, we need to solve the equation!
Which result is the right one?
- [MnCl<sub>2</sub> + H<sub>2</sub>O + Cl<sub>2</sub>]<hookname1|
(click:?hookname1)[(go-to:"Paragraph 9")]
- [MnCl<sub>2</sub> + 2 H<sub>2</sub>O + Cl<sub>2</sub>]<hookname2|
(click:?hookname2)[(go-to:"END-Paragraph 17")]
- [ 3 MnCl<sub>2</sub> + H<sub>2</sub>O + 4 Cl<sub>2</sub>]<hookname3|
(click:?hookname3)[(go-to:"Paragraph 49")]
[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[MnCl<sub>2</sub> + H<sub>2</sub>O + Cl<sub>2</sub>]]
Not quite! Beware of weighting!
<img src="https://edugraal.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Einstein_P9.png">
Go back to [[Paragraph 30]]=><=
[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[3 MnCl<sub>2</sub> + H<sub>2</sub>O + 4 Cl<sub>2</sub>]]
Not quite! Beware of weighting!
Go back to [[Paragraph 30]]=><=
[(text-color:"orange")+(text-style:"underline")[MnCl<sub>2</sub> + 2 H<sub>2</sub>O + Cl<sub>2</sub>]]
{(text-style:"shudder") +
(live: 1s)[
(set: $randomRed to (random: 0, 255))
(set: $randomGreen to (random: 0, 255))
(set: $randomBlue to (random: 0, 255))
(text-colour: (rgb: $randomRed, $randomGreen, $randomBlue)) [''Well done!'']
You enter the code on the safe, the door opens very slowly and little by little, you discover the neurological helmet.
(text-color:"grey")["FINALLY! The helmet!"] exclaims Thales, filled with joy! (text-color:"grey")[ "We'll be able to use it on Einstein!"]
Once the helmet is recovered, you run to the hospital where you find Einstein sitting on the bed.
(text-color:"grey")["Here is the helmet, do you remember it?"] asks Thales.
(text-color:"grey")["Absolutely not,"] replies Einstein, looking doubtful.
(text-color:"grey")["It doesn't matter, just trust us!"] replies Thales.
You put the helmet on him and turn it on. You start to hear a small electronic noise and a (text-color:"red")[reddish light] appears. After about ten minutes, the helmet turns off by itself.
(text-style:"smear")[Amazing! Einstein has recovered his entire memory!]
Now he can resume his work as if nothing happened, but in the future, he will be careful not to mix too many reagents at the same time!
<img src="https://edugraal.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Einstein.17.png">
(live: 1s)[
(set: $randomRed to (random: 0, 255))
(set: $randomGreen to (random: 0, 255))
(set: $randomBlue to (random: 0, 255))
(text-colour: (rgb: $randomRed, $randomGreen, $randomBlue))[''THE END'']